
Filthy Fifty!!

Holy Crap that sucked!!!
I am so pumped that I did it. I wasn't going for a specific time, or trying to beat anyone else's time. I saw that WOD and was sure I was gonna do the alternate. I was so certain that I would never be up to completing a monster like that.

Then Dymphna text me and asked me when I was coming in, and she told me I wasn't getting out of it, I gritted my teeth and went in. It sucked! But I did it, I can't believe I finished the whole thing. I did have to do two substitutions, but I am still proud.

They only thing I am disappointed about is that I didn't do the double unders. I have finally figured out how to do them, but I was just too tired to try them for the last exercise of this monster workout. Afterward, after I cooled down, and stopped puking, I tried to get a couple, but every-time I tried I failed. So I guess I just need more practice.

It was the Wall Balls that kicked my butt!!


...Yvonne said...

I see you revamped your blog, nice nice. Lovin the fact that I'm not the only pink blogger ;) haha.

Sounds like you kicked ass today! Get it! And DANG your legs look beast in this photo. You're so strong :)

Natalie said...

Tm you look awesome and your fam is beautiful.

D. Frazier said...

Nice TM!!

Waaaay back when... 2003

Waaaay back when...  2003
This is where I started. My max was 202lbs!!